The 5 Contexts of Ministry

Pay attention to the space!

WELCOME to this week’s newsletter, focusing on the different contexts where all of us are ministered to and do ministry.


Why the size of your group matters so much

Transform how you disciple, live on mission, and operate in the Spirit's power - by paying attention to your context!

There are 5 different contexts in which you will do ministry. Each carries specific strengths and weaknesses, which you need to understand in order to be more effective.

  • THE PUBLIC CONTEXT is groups of 100+, where you gather around a shared resource

  • THE SOCIAL CONTEXT is c.20-70 people in size, where you reveal snapshots of the true you that build affinity

  • THE PERSONAL CONTEXT is 4-12 strong, where they glue is that you share private thoughts and feelings

  • THE TRANSPARENT CONTEXT is 2-4 people, where you operate with maximum vulnerability and openness

  • THE DIVINE CONTEXT is you alone with God, your creator and redeemer

In each space, how you interact both with God and with others - whether as a leader, a peer, or a follower - will be very contextualized.

This video briefly describes the 5 contexts, and helps you imagine why and how you need to pay attention to the size of the gathering where you are operating.


Reflect and Act.

1. As a leader, which context do you do best in, and which one do you need to most grow in?

2. As a church or ministry, which context do you do best in, and which one do you need to most grow in?


Read more on this.

Alex co-authored Discipleship That Fits, published by Zondervan, to directly speak into this topic. It has been highly reviewed and referenced in many other works, and continues to be a popular purchase today!




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