Spiritual Warfare 101

WELCOME to Issue #178 of The Seedhead from Alex and Hannah at Dandelion Resourcing - a weekly confidence booster to help you step into naturally supernatural discipleship and mission!


Our God is at war!

Which means that EVERY believer has been drafted into service. We are to confront the works of the evil one, join Jesus in overturning them, and bring more of God’s active kingly rule to earth today wherever we find ourselves.

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes." (Ephesians 6:10,11)

In this video, we give you a 6 minute overview on spiritual warfare - perfect for training others!

This video is only a brief taster on the topic. However, on Tuesday February 6 we’re hosting a live training session on this theme!

As part of our Seeding Sessions series, the specific focus will be, How to Train Kids and Teens in the Basic Skills of Spiritual Warfare.

This workshop will give you biblical, practical, and simple next steps to train the next generation. And, of course, by focusing on the clarity required to communicate well to kids, that will ensure that every adult ‘gets it’ as well!

Part of our time will include open Q&A, so come with specific questions and we’ll do our best to help with as many as we can.

It’s only $49 for both the 1 hour live event PLUS the video recording, which you can use to train others in your local context (or to watch later if you can’t make the live part).

We also offer an Annual Subscriber plan for our Seeding Sessions. At only $149, you can come to the next 6 live trainings (one every two months), plus two subscriber-only live Q&A sessions, plus the recordings from the 2 Seeding Sessions we’ve already done. That is a great deal!

To book, please go to the Seeding Sessions page on our site.


Reflect and Act

  • As you go through the coming days, ask the Lord to highlight areas of spiritual warfare going on around you.

  • Ask Him if there is something you need to do offensively or defensively in one of those areas (don’t assume - ask questions!).


Let us know if you have any questions!


Alex + Hannah

P.S. Don’t forget to register for the Seeding Session on Tuesday February 6, 12pm EST/ 9am PST!


We're excited to share with you that our good friend Ruthie Kim is hosting a very special women's event on February 17th, in San Francisco. Golden SF is a transformative one-day citywide event, designed to empower women to live into their God-given purpose, potential and influence. It will be a day of worship, workshops, a panel discussion and so much more! If you're in the Bay Area, or if you're a woman looking for a catalyst into your next season, this is the place you want to be.


Spiritual Warfare for Kids & Teens


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