How to Start with Hospitality

Hannah with biblical, practical, and simple wisdom on welcoming others into your home!


How do you do at opening up your home - however humble - to welcome in others?

Some of us do this so well, while others really struggle.

However, the Bible is clear - as followers of Jesus, we are to be marked by generous hospitality to others.

Peter wrote, “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.” (1 Peter 4:8-9) He directly links loving others with hospitality.

In fact, we are to welcome and host others even when it costs us and we don’t feel like doing it (presumably, those are scenarios when we’re more likely to be grumbly about guests!)

Paul said, “Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.” (Romans 12:13-14) This tells us that hospitality is to be shown both to those inside the church (“the Lord’s people”) and also to those outside the church - even if they are actively hostile to Jesus. Wow!

In this short video, Hannah shares some down-to-earth insights on how to step into hospitality.


Reflect and Plan

  1. What are your biggest internal roadblocks to being more hospitable? (e.g grumbling at the prospect of guests, not wanting to be disturbed, resenting the sacrifices involved.) Take this to the Lord and ask Him to change your heart in this area.

  2. What are your biggest external roadblocks to being more hospitable? (e.g. lack of space, limited finances, small people in your home who misbehave a lot.) Again, take this to the Lord and ask Him for His wisdom. Then take what you sense, along with your dilemma, to a mature believer who is good at hospitality, and ask for their input.

  3. Start inviting people in for simple things.

  4. Pray, pray, pray!

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