7 Things to Do if You Can’t Hear God’s Voice

WELCOME to Issue #185 of The Seedhead from Alex and Hannah at Dandelion Resourcing - a weekly confidence booster to help you step into naturally supernatural discipleship and mission!


The issue is a hearing problem, not a speaking problem!

God is always speaking. And He speaks in many different ways.

“For God does speak - now one way, now another - though no one perceives it.” (Job 33:14)

YET many of us truly struggle to recognize His voice.

In this video, we’ll give you 7 things to try to help clear the way.

Let’s dive in…

Next Steps

  • What is the one thing you can do to move forward in this area?
    Pick one thing to test and practice for at least a week.


To help ordinary folks grow more in this area, we wrote the book
Hearing the Voice of God. Here’s a snippet of some of
the reviews by real purchasers on Amazon:

"Hearing the Voice of God is a biblically-based, encouraging, actionable book for anyone with a desire to hear God's voice.”

“These authors bring a light, tender clarity to an often misunderstood approach to hearing from God.”

“This is the most helpful book I've read on the topic of hearing God. It is well written, content rich and timely for the Church.”

“I grew up a cessationist (the idea that God doesn't still give the miraculous gifts as found in the New Testament). Over the last decade God has convinced me otherwise, that He is very much still at work in the world and giving the gifts He gave in the Bible to people. This is the first book that I have read from a more Charismatic side that gives practical advice on how to better attune to God and embrace the prophetic gift. I really appreciate the balance of the book - this isn't a mathematical formula but it does give practical things to try. It also gives a lot of needed cautions that keep these things from being abused. Great book. Worth the read. Pick it up!”

Hearing the Voice of God is available here on Amazon
in printed and digital formats!


May you have a week of tangible growth and fruitfulness in the prophetic gifts!


Alex + Hannah

P.S. Next week we're going to let you know about a special new cohort we're starting - stay tuned for more info!


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