Spiritual Warfare and How to Take Every Thought Captive

WELCOME to Issue #218 of The Seedhead from Alex and Hannah at Dandelion Resourcing - a weekly confidence booster to help you step into naturally supernatural discipleship and mission!


Have you ever had a difficult or broken relationship, or perhaps a situation where you experienced injustice for which there’d be no recompense, and your mind has gone into repeated replays of what you could/ should/ wish you’d said or done?

Your mind is one of the two great battlefields of spiritual warfare.

Thoughts can run rampant and out of control, in ways that we know aren’t God’s desire for us.

And when we feed those thoughts with fuel that’s not from God, over time they become hardened mindsets and thus turn into strongholds of the enemy. 

One way to assess those thoughts is to consider how they make you feel. Thoughts from Jesus have very different emotional flavors (grace, hope, conviction, life) than thoughts from the enemy (shame, despair, condemnation, death). 

So how do we take our thoughts captive, so that we feed instead on Jesus-originated thoughts?

And how do we break the mindsets that have taken up residence in our minds?

This video will give you some options for moving forward…

Next Steps

  • Where do you need to repent of unforgiveness or offense? Take some time to pray, repent, and receive the forgiving and healing balm of Jesus.

  • Now ask the Lord for a new belief that you can use to replace the false thought or belief. A powerful place to start is to identify a specific Bible verse that you can use. Memorize that verse, so that every time you are tempted by the old thoughts, you can deploy this new thought pattern that comes from the Lord!

Part of being human is, sadly, the experience of being hurt or wounded by others. And, of course, we in turn have hurt or wounded others too. 

We must choose to fix our eyes on Jesus, and not on discouragement. Jesus has won the complete victory at the cross, and so the last word always belongs to Him. Don’t let the enemy try to convince you otherwise!

With love,

Alex + Hannah

P.S. If you want more on this topic check out our excellent videos on spiritual warfare from the Naturally Supernatural Course, Part B: Warfare. When you purchase those sessions, you also receive training in discerning and driving out demons, how the Holy Spirit fills us, and the gift of tongues. There’s some great resources there - ideal for you or your group to study together!


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