Words of Knowledge and Words of Wisdom: 101
"To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit." (1 Corinthians 12:8)
God loves to share with us how He sees things. Sometimes this might be by sharing knowledge to which we wouldn’t otherwise have access, and other times it can be by giving us supernatural wisdom for discernment and decision making.
The spiritual gift of a word of knowledge is information given to you by the Holy Spirit about a person or situation that could not be known by natural means.
The spiritual gift of a word of wisdom is insight into solving a problem or situation that clearly could not come from your own education, knowledge, understanding, or experience. It is a heavenly download that shows how to proceed.
How Do We Step Into These Gifts?
Check out this video to see some ideas on how to access these everso helpful empowerments from the Holy Spirit.
Before you meet with anyone (whether it’s one person or a whole group), ask God for words of knowledge or wisdom.
Pay attention before and during the time with those people, in case the Lord highlights something in that moment.
Embrace the Empowering Presence of the Holy Spirit!
The Naturally Supernatural Course is a grace filled, pastorally wise, and biblically rooted process.
Ideal for group, individual, or whole church study, it offers 6 session blocks of video-driven input, group discussion, and very practical next steps.
Click the image to find out more!