20 Ways to Build Better Relationships in Lent
WELCOME to Issue #232 of The Seedhead from Alex and Hannah at Dandelion Resourcing - a weekly confidence booster to help you step into naturally supernatural discipleship and mission!
Let community flourish all around you!
Would you like to experience richer friendships and greater authenticity in all your relationships?
Do you struggle to let go of relationally undermining habits (such as gossip, holding on to offense, lack of generosity)?
How would you feel if you became someone surrounded with healthy relationships - work, neighbors, family, friends, school?
In week 3 of a 5 part Lent season series, here’s a powerful list of 20 tangible ways that you can use to build better relationships during Lent!
You’ll see that half fall under ‘letting go’ and half are focused on ‘taking on’ practices.
Here’s the video:
Here’s the List
Letting go:
The need for approval
Poverty mindset
Offense and resentment
Toxic relationships
Cut back on personal expenses
Taking on:
Pray for others
Prayer partnerships
Practice listening to God
Holy Communion
Blessing others financially
Practice hospitality
Confession and accountability
Pray for your church leaders
Next Steps
Which one(s) from these lists would you like to try out this Lent?
If you’re not sure, pray and then pick something that seems relevant, intriguing, or which seems to have a Holy Spirit ‘nudge’ on it.
You don’t need to wait - feel free to begin today!
If you have other ideas that are ‘In’ related that aren’t on this list, please hit reply and let us know. That way we can add to these lists in future years.
Next week we’ll jump into part four of this series, with an inspiring list of 20 tangible ways that you can use to live more fruitfully on mission during Lent! There will be an equal mix of ‘letting go and ‘taking on’ ideas.
With love,
Alex + Hannah
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