20 Ways to Live Happily on Mission in Lent

WELCOME to Issue #233 of The Seedhead from Alex and Hannah at Dandelion Resourcing - a weekly confidence booster to help you step into naturally supernatural discipleship and mission!


Help your lost friends encounter Jesus’ love! 

  • Would you like to be more disciplined in your witness for Jesus?

  • Does fear of what others might think of you hold you back from evangelism?

  • How would it be if you could take incremental yet clear steps to become bolder in sharing your faith

    In week 4 of a 5 part Lent season series, here’s an inspiring list of 20 tangible ways that you can use to live more fruitfully on mission during Lent!

    You’ll see that half fall under ‘letting go’ and half are focused on ‘taking on’ practices.

    Here’s the video:

Here’s the List

Letting go:

  1. Only spending time with Christians

  2. Distractions and excuses

  3. Judging others before listening to their story

  4. Reluctance to share your faith

  5. Fear of offending others

  6. Fear of not knowing enough

  7. Ring fencing Your home

  8. False mindsets

  9. Seeing evangelism as a one-time event

  10. Timidity

Taking on

  1. Divine opportunities

  2. Pray daily for 3 lost friends by name

  3. Prayer walking

  4. Ask someone about their story

  5. Pray with lost people who are sick

  6. Acts of kindness

  7. Encourage children

  8. Share testimonies

  9. Intentional time with unbelievers

  10. Serve those in need in your community


Next Steps

  • Which one(s) from these lists would you like to try out this Lent? 

  • If you’re not sure, pray and  then pick something that seems relevant, intriguing, or which seems to have a Holy Spirit ‘nudge’ on it.

  • You don’t need to wait - feel free to begin today! 

  • If you have other ideas that are ‘Out’ related that aren’t on this list, please hit reply and let us know. That way we can add to these lists in future years.



Next week we’ll jump into the final part of this series, with a mega chart that contains all of the ideas that we’ve covered over the weeks! This will be a fantastic resource to print out for reference at home, and to share with others at your church.  

We can’t wait for you to get your hands on it!

With love,

Alex + Hannah

P.S. If you like this newsletter and want to support it, here are 4 ways to do so! PICK ONE right now before you forget:

  1. Purchase The Naturally Supernatural Course

  2. Forward this newsletter to a friend with an invitation to subscribe right here: dandelionresourcing.com/newsletter

  3. Hit reply and say hello

  4. Bring one/both of us into your event to speak (either in person or virtual)


70 Ways to Maximize Lent!


20 Ways to Build Better Relationships in Lent