Are You Making This Huge Mistake as You Disciple Kids and Teens?
“The children of your servants will live in your presence; their descendants will be established before you.”
(Psalm 102:28)
Much ministry to children and students focuses on information transfer for numerous possible scenarios - which is a huge mistake!
Instead, we must equip them to hear the voice of God for themselves.
That will be the universal skeleton key that enables them to operate as faithful disciples of Jesus, whatever the scenario.
Whether you are a parent, grandparent, kids or student leader, teacher, babysitter, neighbor, friend… wherever you find yourself, you have influence over the next generation. And it is vital to give them the full-on version of Christianity, instead of inoculating them against Christ with a watered-down dull version!
In this new video, we give you practical thoughts on how to raise kids who are comfortable in operating with a naturally supernatural lifestyle.
As you’ll see, we share some simple strategies for stepping into naturally supernatural mission, and encourage you about what you can do next.
Who are the children/ teenagers in your life?
How can you be investing into them spiritually, specifically developing an openness to the Spirit?
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Tell us YOUR current experience!
For you personally regarding raising the next generation in naturally supernatural ways, please could you send us 2 sentences that answer:
Where are you seeing most joy in these areas?
Where are you most struggling/ wrestling, or what is your biggest question right now?
Here’s what we will do.
Firstly, every message will be read by us - and personally replied to! We won’t write an essay, but if we can encourage or help, we will.
Secondly, out of the range of responses, we will then shape our videos over the coming months, so that we can better serve you.