Do You Know Why 95% Of Your People Aren’t Living on Mission?
“Jesus gave the disciples power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases and he sent them out to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick.”
(Luke 9:1-2)
Sharing our faith is one of the core identifying marks of a follower of Jesus. Yet 95% of believers try to do evangelism without the active empowering of the Holy Spirit - which results in hardly any fruit!
If we do see some return, it’s usually either so exhausting to manufacture that amount of energy, or it’s a lightning strike (unrepeatable!).
We need a better strategy!
We need the Spirit’s empowering presence for all of our mission!!
Yet intentionally stepping into the active empowering of the Spirit is not something just for pastors or mature Christians. In fact, this is intended by Jesus to be part of our everyday disciple-making.
We have seen so much fruit from this approach, so we’d encourage you to watch this video - whether by yourself, or with your team or group - and then decide on some specific action steps you can take to experiment in this area over the next couple of months.
As you’ll see, we share some simple strategies for stepping into naturally supernatural mission, and encourage you about what you can do next.
What does evangelism look like for you/ your church or ministry?
How do you make it more of a Spirit empowered lifestyle for yourself and those you lead?
Tell us YOUR current experience!
We would love to hear from you about where you want help in developing Naturally Supernatural mission.
Please could you send us 2 sentences that answer:
Where are you seeing most joy in these areas?
Where are you most struggling/ wrestling, or what is your biggest question right now?
Here’s what we will do.
Firstly, every message will be read by us - and personally replied to! We won’t write an essay, but if we can encourage or help, we will.
Secondly, out of the range of responses, we will then shape our videos over the coming months, so that we can better serve you.