How to Step Into Spiritual Warfare That’s on the Offense
To mark the release of the Warfare section of the Naturally Supernatural Course,
we’ve created a 4 week guide to the spiritual battle!
Each short video (+ accompanying next steps) will give you biblical and practical insight into fighting to advance God’s kingly rule more effectively.
These videos are ideal to share with your group, team, or family!
The first video in this series is on How to Daily Be Filled with the Spirit.
The second video in this series is on How to Explore the Gift of Tongues.
Today we’re looking at spiritual warfare. Many Christians mistakenly think of spiritual warfare as primarily defensive - when, in fact, we should be far more on the offensive.
Defining the Spiritual Battle
Spiritual warfare is the recognition that we are part of a cosmic battle between Jesus’ actively advancing kingly rule, and the retreating but still viciously wicked opposition of the evil one. Until we reach the 2nd Coming of Jesus, we find ourselves in this in-between time, where we join God’s forces in driving back the ultimately defeated demonic forces of satan.
Jesus expects us to be aware of this aspect of what’s going on around us.
“When evening comes, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,’ and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.” (Matthew 16:2-3)
We must become just as adept at perceiving and understanding the spiritual realm as we do the purely natural realm. It’s not an either-or, since we are to be good at both! But so many believers are completely oblivious to the spiritual realm, which leaves them incredibly vulnerable when it comes to spiritual warfare.
We often think of spiritual warfare as defensive - where we circle the wagons, put on our tin helmets, and protect ourselves until Jesus returns or we go to heaven! Sometimes, of course, it’s all we can do to take our stand and hold the ground.
More commonly, though. spiritual warfare is primarily offensive rather than defensive.
Matthew 11:12 NLT “And from the time John the Baptist began preaching until now, the Kingdom of Heaven has been forcefully advancing, and violent people are attacking it.”
Luke 4:18 Jesus: “He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free.”
How to Do Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual warfare is a vital part of following Jesus and extending His kingly rule.
We are called to imitate Him in driving back the the evil one. This occurs as we demonstrate and declare the presence of God’s Kingdom, through miraculous works done through the Spirit’s power, acts of service, and sharing of the Good News about Jesus.
All this is only made possible through the victory of Jesus at the cross. At Paul rejoicingly summarizes in Colossians 2:15, “And having disarmed the powers and authorities, [Jesus] made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.”
So why is it that so many Christians operate from a primary mindset of fear and timidity?
We follow Jesus into the spiritual battle, knowing that the victory ultimately belongs to Him. Therefore we are on the winning side!
Of course, we are not to be glib or naive. Peter warns us, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8). All of us know of people who have come under wicked and intense attack from the enemy.
Even so, our posture is to be one of clear-eyed determination to advance God’s Kingdom wherever we go - which is the very essence of spiritual warfare.
In Luke 4:18 Jesus declares that, “He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free.”
Then in Matthew 10:8, Jesus commands us to, “heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons.”
Let’s intentionally step into offensive spiritual warfare!
Here’s the Video on Spiritual Warfare:
Homework on the Spiritual Battle
Ask the Lord to make you aware of spiritual warfare around you.
Particularly in terms of offensive warfare:
What are you already doing where you are actively taking ground from the enemy?
How can you press into this more?
Your next steps…
Naturally Supernatural Coaching Cohort
You are invited to be part of a small group of like-minded leaders who dream of growing exponentially in your competency and confidence in living as a naturally supernatural Kingdom leader.
Over a 12 month process we will personally walk you through the core material on growing in the naturally supernatural.
The focus throughout will be on personal application, so that you translate principles into action, and build your own back-catalog of stories and experiences.
Increase your confidence to minister in the power of the Spirit – and then train others in biblically sound, pastorally wise and faith-filled ways.
CLICK HERE to find out more about this exceptional year-long dynamic training process.
* The next group will begin later this spring (as soon as we have enough interest!)
The Naturally Supernatural Course
Proven biblical and practical training that will give you and your group more confidence to regularly exercise the gifts of the Spirit in Naturally Supernatural ways!
USE our equipping videos, in combination with the relevant Course Book, to enjoy a 6 session training.
EXPERIENCE release from any lack of confidence to exercise the naturally supernatural gifts of the Spirit
OVERCOME the absence of healthy modeling with practical next steps throughout the material (including practical homework each time!)
Each 6 Session ‘Part’ of the Naturally Supernatural Course is only $49 for all 6 videos – which a group or individual can watch as many times as they choose!
CLICK HERE to find out more and to enroll for this life-changing Course!
* The Course is LIVE now - plan on starting whenever suits you and your group!