A Simple Template for Deliverance
To mark the release of the Warfare section of the Naturally Supernatural Course,
we’ve created a 4 week guide to the spiritual battle!
Each short video (+ accompanying next steps) will give you biblical and practical insight into fighting to advance God’s kingly rule more effectively.
These videos are ideal to share with your group, team, or family!
The first video in this series is on How to Daily Be Filled with the Spirit.
The second video in this series is on How to Explore the Gift of Tongues.
The third video in this series is on How to Step Into Spiritual Warfare That’s on the Offense
Today we’re looking at deliverance. This is about us carrying out Jesus’ repeated instruction to drive out demons and to set the captives free from the oppression of the devil.
Defining Deliverance
Many Christians have a misunderstanding of what it actually means to minister deliverance.
We often think of extreme cases and end up terrified! However, we must not let our theology be set by Hollywood!
While sometimes there are heavy duty situations, the vast majority of times what people are struggling with is harassment or oppression from some demons.
Today we’re looking at the lower level (and thus far more widespread) situations, where it should be standard operating procedure for us as followers of Jesus to quickly and authoritatively rebuke the enemy and bring liberation.
How to Do Basic Deliverance
We have found that if a person is a Christian and in a good place with Jesus, it’s surprisingly simple and quick to minister basic deliverance.
A scenario might be someone in your small group shares that they have been having a number of dark dreams that they sense are from an evil origin, or they’re filled with what they know is irrational fear for their kids’ safety, or they find themselves struggling to stop doubting that God loves them.
These might well be great opportunities to minister deliverance from the enemy’s attack!
We would suggest these steps:
Ask if you can pray for them, particularly for Jesus to come and to drive out any darkness or presence of the enemy that might be causing this issue. Usually your friend will gladly welcome this!
As you begin to pray, welcome the presence of the Holy Spirit and perhaps say a word or two of honor to Jesus. This is about establishing that Jesus is enthroned and in charge here!
Then pause for 15-30 seconds and wait on Jesus to see what direction He might give for prayer (e.g. a cause, or how to pray, or a word of encouragement). In these times, always obey 1 Corinthians 14:3 - be strengthening, encouraging, and comforting.
Command anything from the enemy, specifically any demons, to leave in Jesus’ name. If you can, be precise about what you pray. For instance, if the person is wrestling with fear, command fear to leave, and then pray in the positive from Jesus (His perfect love, or an assurance of His protection and presence).
Ask the person how they’re doing and if they felt or discerned anything. You might need to pray a little more in light of that.
Bless and fill that person with the Holy Spirit and ask Jesus to seal the good work that He has done in that moment.
All of that process should only take a couple of minutes, being done in the same way that you might pray with that person about any other matter. So, no hype, noise, or hoopla required!
Casting Out Demons
We have outlined a simple model for everyday scenarios. However, there are times where one or more demons have a more established stronghold in someone’s life, and won’t respond to what we’ve given you here.
If you or the person suffering senses this, it’s totally fine to seek out more help, so that the demons can be cast out at a better time and place, under the leadership of a Christian who knows what to do.
Practically, we would suggest simply telling the demons that they are bound and to be silent in Jesus’ name, until such time as they are spoken to by a Spirit-filled Christian. Then talk with your church leadership, or someone else you know who has more experience in these things, and they will advise you on wise next steps.
We offer much fuller training on spiritual warfare and deliverance in the Naturally Supernatural Course - details are below.
Here’s the Video on Deliverance:
Homework on Deliverance
Let’s ask the Lord for an opportunity to minister simple deliverance this week.
This might be in our own life, and/or with others.
You are looking for that space to pray - with authority - a freeing prayer to break the oppressive activity of the evil one.
Your next step…
The Naturally Supernatural Course
Proven biblical and practical training that will give you and your group more confidence to regularly exercise the gifts of the Spirit in Naturally Supernatural ways!
USE our equipping videos, in combination with the relevant Course Book, to enjoy a 6 session training.
EXPERIENCE release from any lack of confidence to exercise the naturally supernatural gifts of the Spirit
OVERCOME the absence of healthy modeling with practical next steps throughout the material (including practical homework each time!)
Each 6 Session ‘Part’ of the Naturally Supernatural Course is only $49 for all 6 videos – which a group or individual can watch as many times as they choose!
CLICK HERE to find out more and to enroll for this life-changing Course!