The Seedhead
Fresh content that sometimes even shocks us!
The Seedhead is a free weekly newsletter that helps you go from lacking confidence to stepping boldly into naturally supernatural discipleship and mission.
Each issue features practical coaching and everyday inspiration from others who live out a Spirit empowered lifestyle. It is curated by Alex and Hannah Absalom, who lead Dandelion Resourcing.
Many posts are short videos, others are written pieces. All are designed to equip you to step further into a Jesus-honoring lifestyle of naturally supernatural discipleship and mission.
You are welcome to share this content (as long as you do so for free!) For instance, we know many leaders will use these videos in meetings to train their team.
Have fun digging through the archives! There’s a search function at the foot of this page.
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“I frequently tell people that your email is one of the very few emails that always brings valuable, practical content. You are a blessing!” - US Denominational Leader
Bible Brunch for Unchurched Kids
How a worn-out Mom turned from focusing on herself to impacting neighborhood kids with the Gospel.
The Big Welcome: Physical, Relational, and Spiritual!
How to create a welcoming space in your church gatherings and events
Learning From Cancer: The Escape From Striving
How to operate from a place of greater peace
Painlessly Share Your Faith With This ONE Step!
Who Does Jesus Want Me to Reach? Learn how to discern where to focus your evangelistic energy
Understanding Spiritual Gifts: The Gifts of Tongues and Interpretation of Tongues… In Under 10 Minutes
The gift of tongues is the ability to pray or speak in either a heavenly language or a human language that you don’t otherwise speak, and your inspired speech brings glory to God (out loud) or edifies your spirit (if just you). Interpretation is the way that these otherwise unintelligible words can be understood by the church body.
Understanding Spiritual Gifts: The Gift of Distinguishing Between Spirits… In Under 10 Minutes
This is a supernatural gift of perception given sovereignly by God to enable individuals in the church to distinguish the motivating spirit behind certain words or deeds.
Understanding Spiritual Gifts: The Gift of Prophecy… In Under 10 Minutes
For a Christian, prophecy is the supernatural ability to know and appropriately speak the mind of God on a given subject at a given time by the prompting and inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Understanding Spiritual Gifts: The Gift of Miracles… In Under 10 Minutes
The spiritual gift of miracles is a less common kind of God's activity, in which He arouses people's awe and wonder and bears witness to Himself.
Understanding Spiritual Gifts: The Gift of Healing… In Under 10 Minutes
The spiritual gift of healing is the ability to drive out a sickness in supernatural ways that are beyond any natural methodology.
Understanding Spiritual Gifts: The Gift of Faith… In Under 10 Minutes
The spiritual gift of faith is to be firmly persuaded of God’s power to accomplish His will and to display a confidence that is not shaken by circumstances. You could describe it as a mysterious surge of confidence that God is about to act!
Understanding Spiritual Gifts: The Gift of the Word of Knowledge… In Under 10 Minutes
The spiritual gift of a word of knowledge is information given to you by the Holy Spirit about a person or situation that could not be known by natural means.
Cancer Intermission: A Word From the Slimy Pit
We’re stuck deep in the pit of Alex’s cancer fight… here are some of our raw spiritual learnings from that place.
Understanding Spiritual Gifts: The Gift of the Word of Wisdom… In Under 10 Minutes
The spiritual gift of a word of wisdom is insight into solving a problem or situation that clearly could not come from your own education, knowledge, understanding, or experience.
Understanding Spiritual Gifts: The Gift of the Spirit Overview
In spite of the controversies they sometimes stir up, the use of the gifts of the Spirit is at heart a discipleship issue.
Praying for Prodigals with Passion!
Learn how to persevere in practical ways as you pray for prodigals in your life
Hear a Healing Happen LIVE!
Listen to this INCREDIBLE recording of a pastor receiving supernatural healing for his severely damaged voice WHILE HE TAUGHT ON GOD’S HEALING POWER!
30 Ideas for Living on Mission this Summer!
Plan on having fun with your lost friends and neighbors
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